About PIMM

Philippines International Mission Mobilization
A Ministry of WEC International

The mission environment of the 21st century is changing rapidly.

Mission used to be "From the West to Everywhere"-Western missionaries going into the world to share the Gospel in the 20th century.
Now we have entered a new era of "From Everywhere to Everywhere."

Asia, Africa, and South America are the key players in world mission today, and it is crucial, and urgent, to mobilize missionaries from within the majority world to fulfill the Great Commandment of worldwide evangelization.
This cannot be delayed.

"From Everywhere to Everywhere"


IMM Philippines (PIMM)

IMM Philippines is a ministry of theĀ  international mission mobilizing ministry of WEC International, and seeks to mobilize missionaries into cross cultural mission from the Philippines (and South East Asia)


  • Mobilizing in emerging sending countries.
  • Encouraging churches into greater involvement in global missions.
  • Being available to assist existing WEC Branches in the area of mobilization.


  • Mobilizing and training missionaries in the Philippines and South East Asia.
  • Building a mission network.
  • Sending out trained missionaries through WEC International.
  • Working with existing WEC Branches in mobilizing.